Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Meet Martin (and download his playbook)

One more Black Friday gift for our loyal subscribers...

You don't know Martin.

He's a REALTOR in Virginia.

But more importantly, he's a regular guy with a desire to better his situation and a willingness to take action.

Martin recently attended one of our webinars.

Got the playbook for taking more listings.

Then he went out and executed it the same day (this part is key).

What happened next is AWESOME, but not unusual.

Exactly 6 days after attending the webinar, Martin sent us this text:

Let's review the timeline, because it's important:

Oct 25 (am): Martin attends webinar
Oct 25 (pm): Executes playbook
Nov 1: Signs listing at $400,000

It took Martin 6 days to bag a $12K commission.

Do you want to download a copy of the playbook Martin used?

Today only, as a part of our insane Black Friday deal for ProTools...

We're gifting you "Martin's" playbook for free.

Great, how do I get it?

All you have to do is book a demo for Pipeline Pro Tools.

Sorry Chris I don't really want a sales pitch.

(☝️ This is what smart, skeptical agents tell me.)

No problem, we don't do sales pitches.

Here's how the demo works:

  • ~20min
  • We dig into your business
  • Find your lead number
  • Show you behind-the-scenes
  • GIVE you free playbook download

No pressure or obligation to buy ANYTHING. Either way, the playbook download is yours to keep forever.

>>> Click to get a demo + 1 free playbook <<<

Count down to 2023-11-22T04:59:00.000Z

Again, this offer is today only.

And we'll automatically extend the Black Friday offer through the day/time of your demo, so you have plenty of time to make a decision.

All the best,

-Chris Jones

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