Monday, January 15, 2024

FB Marketplace vs Zillow

I recently changed my mind on something big.

I get asked all the time:

Chris, if you could only run ONE marketing playbook to get clients, which one would it be?

My answer use to be our "Zillow Hack" (which still works great btw).

But moving into 2024, I changed my mind.

Based on new results, my #1 playbook is...

"The Facebook Marketplace Playbook"

This is for a number of reasons:

  • I'm getting the most ready/able clients EVER
  • I'm spending absolutely $0.00
  • It only takes 15min per day
  • I can turn it on/off at will
  • And I can scale it up to build a team

I'm teaching the whole playbook in a free webinar tomorrow.

Webinar: The Facebook Marketplace Playbook
Tuesday, Jan 16 @ 12:00PM Eastern

I'm holding nothing back in this webinar.

Here's what you'll get for attending:

  • My copy/paste FB Marketplace ad template
  • When/where/how to post it
  • My FB Messenger Auto-Reply
  • 48hr replay access

You can use this copy/paste ad and process to bring in 5+ clients in the next 30 days.

I recently taught this training to a private audience, and the students reported incredible results. (I'll share a few stories on the air today.)

This is a live webinar, not a recording.

And there's only 250 seats, so you have to register.


Hope to see you there.

-Chris Jones

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