Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Exploit Zillow (replay + cheat sheet)

Two quick things for you today...

Thing #1

Today's Zillow Hack webinar replay.

Tons of technical difficulties... If you want to rewatch without the disruptions, below is a link to a recent recording I did to a small private audience. Enjoy!

I walk you thru a new hack we use to get free leads from Zillow.

💻 Zillow hack to get free leads (replay video)

It's available for 24 hours only, so watch it today. (You're able to fast forward and rewind to get to the part you need.)

Thing #2

Looking for the cheat sheet? It includes an outline of the webinar, plus links to all the resources you'll need to get started.

📝 Download the cheat sheet (Google Doc)


-Chris Jones

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