Tuesday, September 5, 2023

My #1 listing tool

Want to see the free tool I use to set 8 listing appointments per month?

Duh, of course you do.

It's a new app called "Bulletproof CMA".

I can get an airtight value on any property in <15 minutes.

And I use it as a "snare" to capture seller appointments.

Last month, we set 8 listing appointments with this playbook.

You can duplicate my process anywhere in North America.

The best part is it's completely organic, so it doesn't cost a penny.

All you need is the app, the playbook, and ~2hrs to execute.

Later today, I'm sharing my whole process in a free webinar.

Webinar: The Bulletproof CMA
Tuesday, Sep 5 @ 12:00PM Eastern

This will be a live webinar with me. I don't do canned, prerecorded events.

You don't have to be a math geek or an experienced listing agent to learn this.

During the webinar, I'm giving away everything you need to get started.

  • The Bulletproof CMA app
  • My seller playbook
  • My call script

All free. Yours to download and keep forever.

Just register and show up.


There's only 150 seats for this event, because I know many of you will have questions.

Please register or you'll miss out.

See you there,

-Chris Jones

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